Sunday, April 8, 2012

Palm Trees (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

Common Name: Palm Tree

Scientific Name: Phoenix dactylifera L.

Clade: This plant is a vascular, seed producing plant. It is an angiosperm.

Data Collected: April 6, 2012

Location collected: This palm tree is on the street Burnside in between Pico and Saturn St. It was on the west side of the street on the grass closer to the street not the lawn of the house.

Habitat: This palm tree is in the sun and even if it gets windy, it can still withstand the wind. There is a wide distribution of these trees in California, Hawaii, Arizona, Massachusetts, and Maryland.Palm trees are native to Europe and Mediterranean Regions. The climate these is tropical.

Special Notes: Palm trees can get very tall and their leaves are called fronds. They can be very delicate though. If the main bud at the top of the tree is damaged, it will no longer grow. The trunk doesnt get thicker it just gets taller. Trunks can be as thin as a pencil or as thick as one metter in diameter. Palms were around during the time of the dinosaurs as well.


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