Sunday, April 8, 2012

Aloe (Aloe Vera)

Common Name: Barbados Aloe, True Aloe, Medicine Plant, Burn Plant

Scientific Name: Aloe Vera

Clade: The aloe plant is a vascular, seed producing plant. It is an angiosperm plant.

Data Collected: April 5, 2012

Location collected: This particular plant is on the side of my house. It is closer to my neighbors house. We have it in a big pot and it is watered when it rains.

Habitat: This plant is in the shade most of the time. since it is next to a huge building. The aloe vera is native to the Mediterranean. There the weather is subtropical.

Special Notes: This plant is used a lot as a medicine. It is very useful for burns, even sunburns. It sooths the pain and does what it can to calm the redness. It has also been used to stop thumb sucking for infants. All they had to do was apply it to the thumb. This plant as also used for cleansing the body of toxins. 

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