Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wild Rose (Rosa californica Cham. & Schltdl.)

Common Name: Wild Rose

Scientific Name: Rosa californica Cham. & Schltdl.

Clade: This wild rose is a dicot, vascualr, seed producing plant, angiosperm.

Data Collected: April 4, 2012

Location collected: This bush was located on the Southwest corner of the intersection of La Cienega and 18th Street. Next to this little plant was the Common Madia. But this organism took up most of the space.

Habitat: The sun reaches this plant about three fourths of the day because there is a very tall building west of it. It is windy at times and it doesnt look like anyone cares for the flowers. The soil might have very little nutrients and its trashed in some places. these roses are native to California and Oregon.

Special Notes: There are many different types of subgroups of wild roses.Wild roses could be used in medicine as well. Their heart is useful to the immune sytem, digestive, reproductive, heart, and nervous sytems. It enhances blood movement and helps to reduce inflammation.

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